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Can we join if we don’t live in the area?

Absolutely!  Membership to Shadow Cliff is not restricted by residency of any neighborhood.

What are the hours the Pool is Open?

The pool is open only during summer months.  In general, our calendar follows NEISD calendar.  

After school lets out for summer, our normal hours are from 12pm-9pm most days.  

Pool also opens on weekends for a couple weeks prior to Memorial Day and a couple weeks after Labor Day.  Hours during those times are Fridays 5pm-8pm, Saturdays 12-8pm and Sundays 12-8pm.

You can see specific hours here:  Pool Hours

Do you offer Summer Only, Tennis Only, Singles Memberships or Daily Passes?

Unfortunately, we do not offer separate memberships for Pool or Tennis, or a daily fee for non-members.  Family Membership covers all residing within the household, but we do not offer discounted membership for singles or doubles.  

Can I bring guests?

Yes!  Members can purchase guests passes on our Shop page for a discounted price.  Additionally, guest dues can be paid at the lifeguard stand for the full amount using cash.  Members must be present on site the entire time with the guests.  Guests are limited to 4 visits per year.  Membership is what sustains the club, so encourage your friends to join!

What do I need to do to renew my membership?

It’s simple!  Click the the link to Join or Renew, choose your plan and check out.  Try to use the same email address you used previously and you will be matched and your membership renewed.

I don’t have a PayPal account, can I use a Credit Card?

We use PayPal as our credit card processor, but you have the option of using a Credit Card to check out for an Annual Membership.  If you choose the Installment Plan Membership (3 equal monthly payments), then a Paypal account IS required.

PayPal’s business practices will encourage you to create an account.  But you can follow the steps to check out as a guest if you wish.  It is possible, trust me! Click here for instructions.

What do I do once I join?  How do I check in?

When you come to the pool, simply give the lifeguard attendant your name and they will check you into the system.  Don’t forget to visit the Member Dashboard regularly for additional member news, and events.

Do you offer swim lessons?

Generally, the club will host 2-3 sessions of group swim lessons.  Lesson details will be posted on the Member Dashboard once determined.  Private lessons are offered by select guards.  Contact Us  for more information.

What makes Shadow Cliff special?

Shadow Cliff is more than a pool and tennis courts, it’s a community.  Lifelong friendships are formed in the water, on the deck, and at the net.  The community is made better when you are involved.

Shadow Cliff is volunteer run and owes a great deal to those in our community who have put in tireless hours making sure the club is prepared for the year and ready for the next wave.

Want to get more involved?  Contact a board member for more info.

Tennis & Pickleball FAQ’s

How do I get a tennis key?

Use the contact us page to request a key from our Tennis Director(s).

What are tennis court hours?

Hours are daily 7am – 11pm

How do I reserve a court?

You can reserve online on the reservations page, or by downloading he Pool Dues mobile app.

Is there pickleball?

Yes, we have added pickleball courts which you can reserve from the app.  Bring your own net as dedicated nets are coming soon.

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